International Project Contracting

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Haton Abadad Copper Smelter Project in 1995

Haton Abadad Smelter is one of the large-scale non-ferrous industry construction projects undertaken by NFC in the Middle East. In the Project, the advanced technology of China's flash furnace was exported through the complete sets of equipment and technical services, and it is a general contract project that promotes the export of complete sets of equipment through technology export. The design scale is 80,000 t/a anode copper, and 300,000 t/a sulfuric acid (by-product). The basic design was started in May 1994, the performance assessment of the whole plant was completed on June 20, 2005, and the assessment data all reached or exceeded the contract indicators. It was the largest cooperation project between China and Iran in the field of non-ferrous metals at that time.

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