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Qin Junman meets with CEO of ABB Group


Qin Junman, Executive Vice President of NFC, was invited to the event of "2018 ABB Power and Automation World" hosted by ABB Group in Xiamen on November 13th and held talks with Dr. Ulrich Spiesshofer, the President and Chief Executive Officer of ABB Group.


Dr. Ulrich Spiesshofer welcomed Qin's visit and thanked him for his efforts in bilateral cooperation. In the pleasant atmosphere, the two sides reviewed the successful cooperation between NFC and the ABB Group on a number of major projects and exchanged ideas on the deepening of future cooperation.


Only last week, in the first China International Import Expo, NFC and ABB signed a strategic letter of intent. Qin suggested that the two parties take this opportunity to step forward from the existing mode of cooperation based on equipment supply, upgrade the level and expand the scope of cooperation. It is advisable that ABB Group play an active role in the "Belt and Road" initiative and international capacity building, jointly develop engineering and investment projects with NFC in the field of mining, so as to provide local and competitive solutions for project owners.


President Spiesshofer strongly agreed with Qin's proposal and immediately arranged responsible personnel in ABB Group to keep contact with NFC and carry out the follow-up work.



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