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NFC-Greece 850kt/a Alumina Refinery Project Starts


On November 19th, 2018, NFC and Greece Mytilineos S.A. Group held a kick-off meeting of the basic design of the 850kt/a alumina refinery expansion project at the Greek Aluminium Plant, marking the official start of Greek 850kt/a alumina refinery expansion project.


In the five-day meeting, the two sides discussed the overall layout, the main process flow and the configuration of major equipment and ancillary facilities of the expansion project, and reached preliminary agreements. The whole design duration is divided into four stages and is expected to be completed in 52 weeks.


The Greek 850kt/a alumina refinery expansion project is the key project of the Three-year Joint Action Plan between the National Development and Reform Commission and the Greek Ministry of Economic Development. It will also be the first comprehensive alumina project built by Chinese companies in EU countries. NFC will exert its technical and management advantages to build the project into another showcase project of its international contacting and contribute to the cause of "Belt and Road" and international capacity cooperation.


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