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Wang Hongqian Meets with Charge D'affaires of Chinese embassy in Greece

NFC president Wang Hongqian paid visit to the Chinese embassy in Greece to meet with Charge D'affaires Wang Qiang and Counselor of Commerce Li Feng of the Chinese embassy in Greece on July 3rd.
In the meeting, president Wang Hongqian extended gratitude to the embassy and Commerce Department for their support to NFC and introduced NFCs achievements made in practicing the Belt and Road initiative as well as international production capacity cooperation. Especially, president Wang Hongqian elaborated on the cooperation of 850kt alumina project with Greece Mytilineos S.A. Group and the zinc slag comprehensive recovery project in Romania.
Charge D'affaires Wang Qian highly praised NFCs business operation in Greece and congratulated NFC for the expected signing of the 850kt alumina project and zinc slag recovery project. He said the two projects positively contributed to the progress of international production capacity cooperation and are demonstrative models for Chinese enterprises to explore European market. The Chinese embassy in Greece and the Commerce Department will as always support NFCs development in Greece.
NFC entered the Greek market in 2014. In November 2017, China and Greece signed a two-year cooperation plan during the visit of the Chinese delegation led by Ning Jizhe, Deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, to Greece. The 850kt alumina project by NFC and Greece Mytilineos S.A. Group is the only engineering contracting project listed in key cooperative projects of the bilateral cooperation.
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