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DRC RTR Project 10 million LTI-FREE HOURS Achievement

As of 14th June, 2018, DRC RTR project has reached a record of 10m LTI-free hours. Since the commencement of the project on February of 2017, the project teams on both sides have made tremendous efforts on safety management under the joint leadership. Starting from scratch, NFC RTR project department established safety system, conducted safety production training, publicized safety concept, and carried out continuous safety inspection and after-rectification inspection. Up to now, over 10,000 rectification were executed, 4580 certificates were issued to employees after passing the training, 7 drills on emergency response were organized. Safety procedures and regulations were strictly implemented, such as, tag-out, log-out, isolation, access system, operation permit requirement etc, with 735 work permits, risk assessments and safety management plans issued. The project team upholds the spirit of continuous improvement of the safety system, standardizing the procedure, strengthening personal responsibility awareness, and emphasizing on implementation. The safety work of the project has been spoken highly of by ERG Executives and the local government, and a record of 10m LTI-free hours was achieved on 14th June of 2018.
On June 15th, 2018, the RTR project team held a celebration where Paul Viljoen, project manager of ERG, made remarks to all staff, saying “it is great that the construction and commissioning of the project are progressing rapidly, and it adds to the excitement that we have made a remarkable achievement of 10 million Lost Till Injury-Free Hours (LTI Free), which is an unprecedented milestone for ERG Africa and its headquarter. We are grateful to all NFC staff, especially NFC Project Director for their unremitting efforts in RTR project safety work; thanks to both parties, the cooperation of the security team has brought this world-class record; thanks to the sincere cooperation of all the employees of the participating entities, your constant input into advancing the progress of the project, meanwhile assuring the quality, quantity, security and safety of the project, have provided a strong impetus for the steady progress of the project and have laid a solid foundation for the future construction. You all have provided yourselves with a strong safety guard”. At the end, he expressed his congratulations on the outstanding achievements of the RTR project team and hoped that the both teams would continue to work together to escort the final successful production of the project.

Mr. Zhang Yuanshun, NFC RTR Project Director, made a speech at the celebration: “On 14th June 2018, starting at around 8 pm, C3 (commissioning with water) on the system from Kingamyabo Pump Station to Pre-leach Thickener and Process Water Pond succeeded. Accompanied with the great news is another thrilling notice that our project team has achieved a record of 10 million LTI-free hours. All the Parties related shall take the credit. It results from the effective leadership of both ERG and NFC teams, and it attributes to all Parties, they uphold the spirit of being accountable, forging ahead against difficulties, being cooperative. It demonstrates to the world in practice that the Chinese quality is the multiple guarantees of safety, progress, and quality.” He also expressed his gratitude on Metalkol team and hoped to achieve another 10m LTI-free hours through concerted efforts, to work hand-in-hand toward the smooth completion and operation of RTR project, and to create greater glories. The speeches of the two managers received warm applause from the participants. Everyone expressed their willingness to make persistent efforts and work closely together to make greater contribution to the smooth operation of the project. The two teams then celebrated this historic moment together and took a group photo.

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