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NFC Attends the First Kazakhstan Global Investment Round Table

On December 5, 2017, the Kazakhstan Global Investment Round Table was held in Astana, capital of the country. At invitation, NFC vice-president Qin Junman attended and delivered speech at the sub-forum of Mining Investment and Development.
In his speech, Mr. Qin introduced NFCs development since it entered Kazakhstan in 2005, and shared the successful experience of its EPC contracting and investment. From 2014 to 2016 in particular, NFC completed the construction of two world-class copper processing plants named Bozshakol and Aktogay. Mr. Qin also introduced NFCs experience in mining cooperation in other countries and made specific suggestions on mining development in Kazakhstan. At the end of the forum, Mr. Qin exchanged ideas with Zhenis Kassymbek, Minister of Investment and Development, and delegates from companies such as Rio Tinto.

This event themed with economic reform in Kazakhstan and attracting foreign investment is held for the first time. More than 500 delegates including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank and world-renowned multinational corporations participated. Prime Minister Bakynzhan Sagintayev attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. First Deputy Prime Minister Askar Mamin, Minister of Investment and Development, Minister of Economy, Minister of Finance and Minister of Energy attended the sub-forum.

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