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PNG Ambassador Visits NFC


On October 17, 2016, delegation of Embassy of Papua New Guinea to China led by ambassador Christopher Mero visited NFC.

H.E. Mero positively appraised NFC’s achievement in international minging and EPC contracting sectors. NFC’s solid commitment to social responsibilities and successful practice on environmental protection, infrastructure construction as well as contribution to public health, education and welfare where its projects located, are highly compatible with the requirement from PNG government to foreign investors. With a small population and rich natural resources, PNG is strongly complementary to China, who can provide sophisticated technologies, human resources and fundings. H.E. Mero encourages NFC to give a full play of its capabilities in participating into project development and construction in PNG.

Mr. Wang reviewed NFC’s development in PNG and pointed out that PNG has always been a major country in NFC’s practice of China’s One-Belt-One-Road Initiative to seek cooperation and mutual benefit. NFC will continue to follow Chinese government’s neighborhood diplomacy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, promoting the establishment of  “community of common destiny” for the two peoples of PNG and China. Mr. Wang believes that the delegation's visit will enhance mutual understanding and promote the development of the company's business in PNG. He also hopes to take this opportunity to extend NFC’s invitation through the embassy to more PNG governmental authorities and companies for more extensive cooperation in PNG.


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