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NFC Awarded As Best ROI Company by FORTUNE China


FORTUNE China CEO Summit was held in Xiamen on 6 September, 2016, awarding NFC as one of the Best Investment Return Companies.

Titled with Envisage 2020, the summit forum held several parallel sessions themed with New Opportunities and New Challenges, New Chance for Made in China, Entrepreneurship and Investment, and Industry-Finance Integration & Value Investment, providing a platform for renowned executives both home and abroad to analyze and discuss the present situation in different industries, in order to brainstorm countermeasures and solutions.

As guest speaker, NFC president Wang Hongqian shared his ideas with other entrepreneurs at parallel session. Based on NFC’s international business practice in recent years, he pointed out that both One-Belt-One-Road and Capacity Cooperation initiatives are the integration of opportunities and challenges, bearing significant theoretical and practical meanings. The three words Innovation, Cooperation and Inclusiveness that President Xi Jinping mentioned at G20 Summit will be the important theoretical basis and practice guidance for Chinese companies in global market.

Produced By CMS 网站群内容管理系统 publishdate:2024-03-12 16:32:41