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NFC Attends the 1st International Conference of Mining and Metallurgy of Mongolia 2011


By the invitation from Mongolian Mines and Energy Ministry, NFC attended the 1st International Conference of Mining and Metallurgy of Mongolia during Nov. 3rd and 4th , 2011 in Ulaanbaatar. NFC vice-president, Mr. Qin Junman presented the "NFC and copper smelting" speech to the audience on the forum, sharing NFC's successful experience on copper smelting and international nonferrous metal resources development.

During the conference, Mongolian Mines and Energy Ministry specially arranged a three-party meeting for NFC, Erdenet Copper Mine and Russia Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals on the subject of constructing copper smelter in Mongolia. The three parties achieved agreement on jointly preparing feasibility study report for Erdenet copper smelter led by NFC, and signed MOU of cooperation.




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