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NFC's Two Secondary Companies Win Chinese Nonferrous Metal Industry Science and Technology Progress Awards


Two of NFC's secondary companies, NFC (Shenyang) Pump Industry Co., Ltd. (NSPI) and Chifeng NFC Kumba Hongye Zinc Co., Ltd (CNKH), has been awarded the Chinese Nonferrous Metal Industry Science and Technology Progress first prize and second prize respectively by China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.

NSPI's diaphragm pump for Alumina production makes remarkable technological contribution in high capacity solid-liquid long distance transportation under high pressure. CNKH's technology of Recovering copper from liquid residue of zinc hydrometallurgy meets the demand of developing cyclic economy and brings economic benefits for company at the same time.

Produced By CMS 网站群内容管理系统 publishdate:2024-03-12 16:32:48