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NFC Attends the 4th Mongolian Mining Equipment Expo


From March 3rd -5th,,2011, Mongolia holds the 4th Mining Equipment Expo in Ulaanbaatar and attracts over 60 enterprises from Mongolia, China, Russia, Australia, Japan and Korea, etc.. This expo is organized under the background of a booming mining industry and the substantially increasing demand of mining equipment and technology along with it in Mongolia. As the only comprehensive enterprise that attends the expo, NFC attracts considerable attendees, who show great interest of cooperation after visiting the booth.

This expo also draws high attention from Mongolian and Chinese governments, industry associations and media. NFC receives guests like Mr. Zhao Qingmao, commercial counselor of Chinese Embassy in Mongolia and Mr. Dambaa, chairman of Mongolian Mining Association. NFC is interviewed by Xinhua News Agency of China and three Mongolian TV stations (TM, EAGLE and UBS). Xinhua Net, People Net and UBS gives relative reports.

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