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Mr. Zhang Shili Receives Outstanding Contribution Award from Mongolian Government


Mr. Zhang Shili, vice-president of NFC received Outstanding Contribution Award, the highest honor for mining enterprises by Ministry of Finance from Mongolian Government on 8th April 2011.

This award is a high recognition for the construction and operation of Tumurtiin-Ovoo zinc mine operated by Tsairt Mineral Co., Ltd., NFC's joint-venture located in Mongolia. Mr. Zhang Shili had been the GM of Tsairt from 2003 to January 2011. During the past 9 years and especially since the mine put into production in 2005, with the support from both NFC and CNMC, Tsairt has always been keeping its focuses on production safety and quality, environmental protection and employment localization, making considerable contribution to Mongolian economic development.

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