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Successful Completion of Sin Quyen Ore Mining and Dressing Plant


Good news come from Sin Quyen copper plant project undertaken by NFC in Vietnam: the 1,100,000 t/a ore mining and dressing plant located at Lai Cai province has inaugurated on April 14. This key progress provides solid foundation for the final successful completion of the copper plant.

Du Youhao, vice minister of Vietnam Industry Ministry, Pei Guangrong, secretary of Lai Cai Party Committee, Ruan Youwan, Lai Kai provincial governor, Tuan Wenqian, president of Vietnam Coal and Mine Group Company, Chen Chunhe, president of Vietnam Mining Company, Xie Yaheng, vice president of NFC, and Wang Jiyun, vice president of China Nonferrous Engineering and Research Institute attended the inauguration. At the ceremony, guests inspected flotation plant, low-volt distribution room, control center and program control feeding room. Vice minister appraised this mining and ore dressing plant as the most advanced plant that has the best process and engineering, representing the highest level of Vietnamese industry development.


Located in Lai Cai, a northwestern province of Vietnam, Sin Quyen copper mining and ore dressing plant neighbors Red River, the boundary river between Vietnam and China. The geological reserve of Sin Quyen copper mine is 45 million tons (average grade of  1.01%) with associated metals such as iron, gold and silver. The mining and ore dressing plant adopts open-pit mining for the first 19 years and then changes to underground mining for the other 21 years, mainly producing copper concentrate, iron concentrate and sulfur concentrate.


Under the guideline of “Making the owner satisfied in every project”, NFC undertakes the engineering and equipment supply for the whole project, as well as providing technology support for construction, installation, commissioning and production. Together with efforts of Vietnam part, NFC carried out detailed design, equipment purchasing and equipment shipment simultaneously, by which completed the plant in 22 months, promoting the development of local economy and mining industry.

After the inauguration of mining and ore dressing plant, the training of local workers for plant operation will be pushed forward. The construction of smelter has started and is supposed to be put into production in the first half of 2007. 

Produced By CMS 网站群内容管理系统 publishdate:2024-03-12 16:32:51